6:1 And it came to pass, when men Ezra 9:2 For they have taken of their "multiply" (rabab) "My spirit shall not always strive" /
began to multiply on the face of daughters for themselves, and for To increase, be more, multiply. Within these difficult passages to /
the earth, and daughters were born their sons: so that the holy seed understand, the main theme is that /
unto them, have mingled themselves with the "sons of God" (ben elohiym) the Creator was very displeased with /
6:2 That the sons of God saw the people of these lands: yea, the hand A son(s) of God, one born of the actions of most men. Since the /
daughters of men that they were of the princes and rulers hath been the mighty. (often refers to angels) first days wickedness on the earth /
fair; and they took them wives of chief in this trespass. had greatly increased. The Creator's /
all which they chose. Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the "fair" (towb) sorrow over the actions of His creat- /
6:3 And the Lord said, My Spirit sons of God came to present them- Good, beautiful, pleasurable, fair. ions was very great. The account /
shall not always strive with man, selves before the Lord, and Satan is so short that there is much we /
for that he also is flesh: yet his came also among them. "spirit" (ruwach) don't know. Had the Lord provided /
days shall be a hundred and twenty Psalms 78:39 For he remembered that Wind, breath, life, spirit. the people with a set of laws/comman- /
years. they were but flesh; a wind that dments which they could use as a /
6:4 There were giants in the earth passeth away, and cometh not again. "strive" (duwn) guideline to follow? How had He /
in those days; and also after Numbers 3:33 And there we saw the To contend, plead, strive. communicated His desires to the peo- /
that, when the sons of God came in giants, the sons of Anak, which come ple? Had He just depended upon the /
unto the daughters of men, and of the giants: and we were in our "giants" (nphil) teachings to Adam in the garden and /
they bare children to them, the own sight as grasshoppers, and so A tyrant, a bully, a giant. upon Adam passing on these teachings? /
same became mighty men which were we were in their sight. We have a few small hints in some of /
of old, men of renown. Isaiah 63:10 But they rebelled, and "mighty" (gibbor) the New Testament passages that there /
6:5 And God saw that the wickedness vexed his Holy Spirit; therefore he Powerful, valiant men, mighty. were teachings of righteousness by /
of man was great in the earth, and was turned to be their enemy, and some of the men that followed His /
that every imagination of the he fought against them. "wickedness, evil" (ra) will. But we know very little except /
thoughts of his heart was only Psalms 7:9,11,17 O let the wickedness Wretchedness, evil, wicked. that we are informed that after appr- /
evil continually. of the wicked come to an end; but oximately 1500 years the moral decay /
6:6 And it repented the Lord that he establish the just: for the right- "imagination" (yetser) of man had reached a condition of /
had made man on the earth, and it eous God trieth the hearts and reins. A form, a conception, imagination. hopelessness. /
grieved him at his heart. God judgeth the righteous, and God /
6:7 And the Lord said, I will is angry with the wicked every day. "heart" (leb) "his days shall be a hundred and /
destroy man whom I have created I will praise the Lord according to The heart, figuratively the feeling, twenty years" /
from the face of the earth; both his righteousness:... the intellect. The final decree is set and Noah is /
man, and beast, and the creeping Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, being given his instructions and a time /
thing, and the fowls of the air; warned of God of things not seen as "continually" (yowm) period to complete his work. Many /
for it repenteth me that I have yet, moved with fear, prepared an The heat of day, all day, daily, scholars assume that this is the /
made them. ark to the savings of his house; by every day, perpetually, continually. time required for Noah to complete /
6:8 But Noah found grace in the eyes the which he condemned the world, his work and to give the people a /
of the Lord. and became heir of the righteous- "repented" (nacham) last chance to listen to the Words /
6:9 These are the generations of ness which is by faith. To sigh, to breathe strongly, to be of the Lord spoken through Noah. /
Noah: Noah was a just man and II Peter 2:5,9-10 And spared not the sorry, to feel pity, to repent one. Noah and his family being the only /
perfect in his generations, and old world, but saved Noah the eighth remaining teachers of righteousness! /
Noah walked with God. person, a preacher of righteousness, "destroy" (machah) /
6:10 And Noah begat three sons, bringing in the flood upon the world To rub out, erase, to blot out, to "evil continually" /
Shem, Ham, and Japheth. of the ungodly; destroy. We must try to picture a society /
6:11 The earth also was corrupt The Lord knoweth how to deliver the that is totally corrupt. We see on /
before God; and the earth was godly out of temptations, and to "grace" (chen) television and read of small groups /
filled with violence. reserve the unjust unto the day of Kindness, favor, grace. of people who are totally committed /
6:12 And God looked upon the earth, judgment to be punished: to corrupt practices. But it is hard /
and, behold, it was corrupt; for But chiefly them that walk after "just" (tsaddiyq) for us to imagine a total world's /
all flesh had corrupted his way the flesh in the lust of unclean- Lawful, righteous, just. population being totally depraved. /
upon the earth. ness, and despise government. Presum- Unless we imagine a world totally /
6:13 And God said unto Noah, The end ptuous are they, self-willed, they "perfect" (tamiym) immersed in the drug culture. Where /
of all flesh is come before me; are not afraid to speak evil of Entire, complete, without blemish, the only thought is how will I get /
for the earth is filled with dignities. without spot, perfect. some more drugs? Then we guess it /
violence through them; and, Ezekiel 14:14,17 Through these three could be possible. Violence seems /
behold, I will destroy them with men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in "corrupt" (shachath) to be one of the key indicators, /
the earth. it, they should deliver but their Rotted, decayed, ruined, corrupt. "the earth was filled with violence". /
6:14 Make thee an ark of gopher own souls by their righteousness, Possibly such as the situation in /
wood; rooms shalt thou make in the saith the Lord God. "the end of all flesh" (qets basar) modern day Beirut, where there are /
ark, and shalt pitch it within and Or if I bring a sword, upon that The extremity, the border, the end many small factions which are cont- /
without with pitch. land, and say, Sword, go through the of flesh. inuously at war. Could it be possible /
6:15 And this is the fashion which land; so that I cut off man and that if left alone man would have /
thou shalt make it of: The length beast from it: "ark" (tebah) completely destroyed himself and /
of the ark shall be three hundred II Peter 3:4-6 Knowing this first, A box, an ark. terminally polluted the earth? A /
cubits, the breadth of it fifty that there shall come in the last capability which we now have again /
cubits, and the height of it days scoffers, walking after their "gopher wood" (ets gopher) today. /
thirty cubits. own lusts, Possibly a cypress tree. /
6:16 A window shalt thou make to the And saying, Where is the promise of "my covenant" /
ark, and in a cubit shalt thou his coming? for since the fathers "cubits" (ammah) The Creator has determined that it /
finish it above; and the door of fell asleep, all things continue as A measure of the forearm. is necessary to start new again! His /
the ark shalt thou set in the side they were from the beginning of the (approximately 18 inches) main desire is for His creation to /
thereof; with lower, second, and creation. be one of joy for Himself and man. /
third stories shalt thou make it. For this they willingly are ignor- "pitch" (kaphar,kopher) Such joy can only be attained in a /
6:17 And, behold, I, even I, do ant of, that by the word of God the A covering, redemption money, atmosphere of mutual love and admir- /
bring a flood of waters upon the heavens were of old, and the earth atonement, to pardon. ation between man, the creation, and /
earth, to destroy all flesh, standing out of the water and in the the Creator. Noah had demonstrated /
wherin is the breath of life, from water: "window" (tsohar) his faith in, and his love of the /
under heaven; and every thing Whereby the world that then was, A light, a window. Creator. We are told a total of four /
that is in the earth shall die. being overflowed with water, times that Noah did as the Lord com- /
6:18 But with thee will I establish perished: "door" (pethach) manded him. (see verses 6:22, 7:5, /
my covenant; and thou shalt come Jeremiah 31:33 But this shall be the An opening, a gate, an entrance. 7:9 and 7:16) It would seem only /
into the ark, thou, and thy sons, covenant that I will make with the reasonable that it would be with such /
and thy wife, and thy sons' wives house of Israel; After those days, "a flood of waters" (mabbuwl mayim) a loving and obedient friend that the /
with thee. saith the Lord, I will put my law A flowing, a deluge of waters. Lord would choose to start anew. /
6:19 And of every living thing of in their inward parts, and write it /
all flesh, two of every sort shalt in their hearts; and will be their "die" (gava) "Make thee an ark" /
thou bring into the ark, to keep God, and they shall be my people. To breathe out, to expire, to die. "two of every sort" /
them alive with thee; they shall I Peter 3:20 Which sometime were disob- "all food that is eaten" /
be male and female. edient, when once the long-suffering "covenant" (briyth) The instructions were to prepare /
6:20 Of fowls after their kind, and of god waited in the days of Noah, A cutting, a compact, a confederacy, for a long and difficult journey. A /
of cattle after their kind, of while the ark was a preparing, where- a covenant. ship the size of a modern day ocean /
every creeping thing of the earth in few, that is, eight souls were going vessel. Abundant live stock and /
after his kind; two of every sort saved by water. "of all , of every sort" (kol) food for an incredible journey. How /
shall come unto thee, to keep them I John 5:3-4 For this is the love of The whole, all, everything. many today would understand and obey /
alive. God, that we keep his commandments: such an incredible set of instruct- /
6:21 And take thou unto thee of all and his commandments are not "food" (maakal) ions? Noah was the only one of his /
food that is eaten, and thou shalt grievous. Eatable items, fruit, meat, food. day! But in the world today the Lord /
gather it to thee; and it shall be For whatsoever is born of God over- has many obedient servants who are /
for food for thee, and for them. cometh the world: and this is the "commanded" (tsavah) accomplishing great and miraculous /
6:22 Thus did Noah according to all victory that overcometh the world, To enjoin, to bid, to charge, to tasks with only a few Words from the /
that God commanded him, so did he. even our faith. command. Creator! There is still much joy, /
hope and faith in our world today! /
"men began to multiply" "perfect in his generations" /
The population of the world is presently growing at a rate of approxima- The word generations is interpreted twice in verse nine, but two differ- /
tely two percent a year. There are many factors that we do not know, ent Hebrew words are used. The first is "toldah" which refers to family /
but one mathematician has calculated that the population could have grown lineage. The second is "dowr" which refers to a time period or age. In /
to exceed one billion people. And that was a very conservative calculation other words for that time period and as compared to all his peers, only /
with a growth rate of only approximately one and one half percent per year. Noah and his family were found to be obedient to the desires of the Lord. /
To consider such a large population as having existed would seem to affect many would find this difficult to understand, but we have other examples in /
the concept that we might have of the times. It is probably typical to the Scriptures, for example Lot and his family in the cities of Sodom and /
believe that there were only a very few people in a small region of the Gomorah (see Genesis 19 and II Peter 2:6-8). Also since we were told that /
earth such as the small area of the Mesopotamian plains. It is probably Noah was five hundred years old when he begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth, it is /
typical to consider the people as being just a little higher than primitive probable that Noah had other sons and daughters that were not found faith- /
cave men. But we have been informed that they had developed skills in ful. The three sons seem to be later sons of his old age. Were they poss- /
metal working, musical instrument construction and city building. And we ibly triplets? Many scholars think so. /
have traditions that they had developed writing and book making. Also /
judging from the size of the ark, they were no slouches at ship building. "an ark" /
If the estimate of one billion people is even a poor approximate, it The type of wood, the Hebrew word "gopher" is of uncertain meaning, but /
seems fair to say that so many people could have spread over a very large many scholars prefer cypress as being a suitable and available wood. The /
portion of the earth. In fact some scholars believe that they had easily exact length of the cubit (forearm) is unknown since there were used by /
spread over the whole earth. Consider this factor as we discuss more the the ancients many "standard" cubits. It could vary from seventeen to /
details concerning the times. twenty one inches. But many scholars like to use the more conservative /
seventeen and one half inch cubit which would put the size of the ark at /
"sons of God saw the daughters of men" 438 feet long, 73 feet wide, and 44 feet high. It that case its volume /
The actual phrase "ben elohiym" is found only three other times in the would exceed 1,400,000 cubic feet and it could hold in excess of 500 /
Scriptures and they are all in the book of Job, verses 1:6, 2:1, and 38:7. railroad livestock cars of passengers. For example, in excess of 120,000 /
And there is no doubt that it refers to angels. Closely similar phrases sheep. Its proportions approximates the size that has been chosen to be /
used in other passages of the Old testament also refer to angels. We then the size of a number of ocean going vessels by modern designers. Many /
must consider strongly that the creatures referred to in the passage are experts propose that it would be a very stable vessel. The window possibly /
other than human life forms. That other than human life forms came to was near the roof and one cubit high all around the vessel for light and /
earth and had offspring of human daughters. And that possibly the results ventilation. The one door in the side would have to have been large enough /
were rather undesirable and served to propagate wickedness. We would then to allow all passengers to embark. The covering "kopher" which sealed the /
have to consider the probability that they were of the "fallen angels" vessel is assumed to be bituminous pitch. /
that followed satan, since they were of a wicked nature. /
Many scholars feel that this would be impossible since they conceive of "two of ever sort" "shall come unto thee" /
angels being only of a spiritual nature and not having physical bodies, Scholars and skeptics have long debated this issue! How many were /
even though they may have the ability to appear before men as apparitions. necessary to preserve the species? How could one man preserve the entire /
They propose that the intention is to indicate that the "fallen angels" animal kingdom of the earth? As we have already pointed out in a number /
(demons) possessed humans who were predisposed to evil and thereby propag- of areas, this is not exactly a complete science text we are reading. The /
ated humans of a more grossly evil nature. (see Matthew 8:28 for one intent is to preserve what is necessary to document the relationship /
example of possessed humans) between man and the Creator and many details are left to the imagination. /
Also many scholars have proposed that the intention is to portray the The animal kingdom is known to have a very amazing capability to survive /
intermarriage of the offspring of Cain with the offspring of Seth. The adversity. Major forest fires can ravage millions of acres and life will /
marriage of the "godly' bloodline with the "ungodly" bloodline. There are return amazingly fast. Of course it would not be necessary to attempt to /
many warnings in the scriptures concerning the undesirable consequences of save water creatures. A large number of species would probably be able /
such intermarriage. (see Ezra 9:1-2, 10:1-2 and II Corinthians 6:14) to survive on islands of floating debris. Geneticists point out that it /
would only be necessary to save a small sampling of each species that /
"giants in the earth" could contain the genetic material for all the varieties of each species. /
There have always been so called giants around, a strain of people who Breeders working with both plants and animals have demonstrated how many /
grow to a larger statue than most people. Most all people are aware of different varieties can be developed in an amazingly short time. And it /
the story of the conflict between David and Goliath. (see I Samuel 17) is not because they have created the varieties, but that they are only /
Many scholars feel that what is described here is something of quite a working with genetic material that already existed. The required number /
different nature. The Hebrew word is nphil which appears to be from of passengers would possible not be exceedingly great. Those who propose /
the verb naphal which is to fall. The meaning could be "those who fall the "vapor canopy theory" would say that the climate at that time was very /
upon" or "attackers" or possibly those who have "fallen". Many contend uniform over all the earth and its animal population also, and that it was /
that as a result of the union between the "sons of God" and the "daughters not stratified into climatic bands as it is today. /
of men" there had resulted a large number of demoniacs. Extremely violent Skeptics have proposed many complications such as sanitary and food /
creatures who were reaping havoc all over the earth. But some scholars requirements and believers counter with theories of animal hibernation. /
would content that there is nothing demonic involved, but that there were Skeptics ask about the unique animals that are found in certain locations /
as there are today, a vast majority of unbelievers that had come about due as Australia? And believers say that such stratification and isolation /
to the intermarriage of the "godly" with the "ungodly". occurred after the flood. That fossil records and written records indic- /
Whether you prefer the demoniac influence theories or the milder inter- ate that many species that once lived in an area are now extinct and that /
marriage interpretation, the theme is still the same, "his heart was only species seem to suddenly appear where they were once not found. That /
evil continually"! Whether the "giants" were demonic type creatures or various changes in the land mass patterns as water levels have in the near /
merely powerful, violent and evil men who had gained control of the earth, past raised and lowered have allowed migration and also isolated certain /
the theme is still the same, "the earth is filled with violence"! areas. Many scholars propose that an ice age was spawned by the flood. /
The arguments will probably go on as long as man exists. We do not /
"I will destroy ... both man, and beast" claim to have all the answers and propose that neither does any man! As /
Many will wonder, how could a situation be so bad that both man and the Scriptures so many times elaborate, it all boils down to a matter of /
animals must be destroyed? For are not animals innocent of the sins of "faith". Regardless of the fact that there are many other written accounts /
man? Is it possible that the perverseness of man had penetrated even into that closely parallel the Biblical account and provide more details, many /
the nature of the animal kingdom? We know that men can train normally will still choose not to believe, and will point up the many discrepan- /
kind and loving pets to become violent. Is it also possible that man cies and "known" unreliabilities of nonbiblical writings? Regardless of /
had contaminated the animal kingdom with diseases and pestilence through the fact that explorers with scientific instruments have located the /
bestiality? We are all familiar with the use of water in sanitation. The probable remains of the ark at its resting place in Turkey, and the gover- /
Creator had determined that the earth required a thorough and total nment of Turkey has designated the site as a historical site, many will /
cleansing by water. That such a thorough cleansing was the necessary and still choose not to believe! /
only way that the creation could have a new clean start. /